Friday, October 31, 2008

A Bad Thing About Work

My job isn't too bad. It can get boring, but that's any job. Anyway, one thing that really bothers me is that I can't talk like I normally do. This includes occasionally using the F-word and the S-word, a couple of my favorites. People don't mind sons of bitches for some reason.

I have to watch my mouth all day and that sucks.

I also like to say vagina. It's not a bad word, but an all around funny word. It is also more funny than any other word for female genitalia. On second thought, flower and coochie are also pretty funny.

You'd think I wouldn't have enough reasons to say the word vagina at work, but there are. A lot of people complain. A lot of guys complain. When I hear guys complaining, my initial response is to tell them to shut their vagina hole (Guys don't have vaginas and that's why its funny). It actually works pretty well. You insult them with a slice of humor. The humor lessens the impact of the insult.

There are a lot of old ladies at my work and if they heard me running around (Cause I run around at work) telling people to shut their vagina holes, they would either get offended or listen and cross their legs.

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