Sunday, October 19, 2008

Argument Advice

I not only talk about dirty stuff, but I also give relationship advice.  

This particular advice is more for guys than ladies, even though the ladies are just as capable as making the same mistake.

This is advice is for the times you happen to be driving with your significant other.  It's never safe to drive when you're angry, but sometimes its unavoidable.

When you are so angry you begin yelling while you are driving, you have already exceeded the limits of your patience.  You become so angry you take a stroll down "Irrational Lane".  It's at this point where you begin to make silly mistakes, like, for example, flooring it.  I floored it once, to show how angry I was, and it didn't quite work out.  

I have a 2000 Nissan Sentra, a car not well known for it's blinding speed.  I floored it, complete with the exaggerated motion of slamming my foot on the gas pedal, to prove just how angry I really was.  About three minutes later my car finally started to speed up.  Realizing how pathetic this little stunt was, I took my foot off the gas and drove the rest of the way in shame.  

The lesson here, Ladies and Gentleman, is that if you're going to floor it in a fit of anger, make sure you have a fast car.

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