Sunday, December 14, 2008

My Family

My mother called this past Friday and told me I should go to Corpus Christi with them on Saturday for my aunt's fiftieth birthday. I said no. She then began the biggest guilt trip to date.

They haven't seen you in forever. They miss you. They love you. She would be so happy to see you. Blah, blah, blah.

It kinda bothers me when my family, besides my parents, say they love me. They don't even know me. If they got to know me, they may not love me so much.

I probably spend more time with co-workers than with extended family.

Anyway, back to the story.

We get to my aunt's house and my father and I immediately start to drink. I find when I'm a little drunk, I handle my family better.

I ended up getting real drunk. Tequila was involved.

I blacked out and woke up in a bed the next morning. As I was putting my shoes on, an image of a toilet popped in my head. I started to wonder if I vomited last night. This was confirmed when every single family member asked me if I was alright.

Apparently, I vomited while my uncles made fun me. I was told this by my parents because I do not remember.

Good times.

This information didn't surprise or bother me. It did seem to bother my parents though. My mom said she didn't like hearing my uncles make fun of me while I was vomiting. I asked her what she expected. She knows my uncles can be immature.

My dad came up to me before I left and made it clear why he was bothered. He told me, "I want you to work on your drinking. I didn't like how they were making fun you". I told him it will definitely happen again (vomiting) and that's the way it is. I'm not perfect and he shouldn't be embarrassed I drink like a lightweight. It's better than being an alcoholic. He wasn't put at ease.

What a great weekend.

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