Thursday, November 6, 2008

Hey Joey Question (2)

I received a new Hey Joey question. I did not make this one up. Someone, actually, submitted a question. Learn from this person and do the same. I know you people are creative. Don’t be afraid. Read it and love it:

“Hey Joey,

I have a problem and I think you could help. I work with this guy and I’m not sure if I should ask him out or not. I think his mom would like us to date. Well, the problem is:
1. I don't think he's that funny
2. Well, I think he's Iranian
Now I’m not racist but that's pushing it. I mean Iranian, come on, what with the war and all. So my question is, should I just have a lot of meaningless sex with him and then try to get him fired or should I just deport him? Oh yeah, by the way, I think his mom is really hot.

Tammy Lou Hicks Whitington”

Tammy Lou, that is quite the predicament.

Just to let you know, the fact that you’re thinking of asking him out is pretty impressive. I’ve always admired girls with balls (figurative balls).

You can’t do anything about him not being funny. Some people are just funny than others. As for your Iranian reason, I don’t know where you’ve been. We are not at war with or in Iran. We are at war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Read a newspaper Tammy Lou.

Anyway, back to your question. It sounds like you want to use and abuse him or just abuse him.

I don’t think deportation is an option. If you thought we were at war with Iran chances are this guy is not only legal, he’s probably Irish.

If you want to bang him and get him fired, go ahead. You should also contract some herpes. So, not only will he be fired, but his piss will also be on fire. Herpes is the gift that keeps on giving.

I would tell you contract some HIV, but people shouldn’t die because they’re not funny. Or should they?

It also sounds as if you like the mom more. Try and bang her.

Joey has spoken.

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