Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Health Care Reform

I usually do not enjoy talking politics, but I just read an article that kinda pissed me off.

It was about how senior citizens are upset about the new health care proposals.

They're angry, and have let the government know this, because they have been paying Medicare payments their whole life and might lose some of those benefits associated with Medicare.

I have some advice for them.

Shut the fuck up.

They should be grateful they are getting any benefits at all. They already get Social Security and Medicare, who knows what else. What more do those greedy bastards want?

By the time my generation and I are senior citizens there won't be shit. We will have been paying Social Security and Medicare our whole life and never see any of those benefits.

The old people need to stop being selfish.

If you see or hear old people complaining about this, I suggest you piss on their foot.

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