Friday, April 8, 2011


Lately, it has been bugging when people say the reason they don't want to get tattoos is because they will look ugly when they're old.


You think you're going to be that concerned about your looks when you're old.

Don't think so.

Your main concern will be trying to stay alive.

When you're old you won't care what your skin looks like. Why? Because old skin looks nasty, tattooed or not.

Old people's skin looks like a collection of weathered vaginal folds.

Why not add some faded art to it?

Get tattoos if you want because whether you like it, or not, your skin and body goes downhill.

Yay Life!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Personal Goals

I thought I would write some personal goals. I've been told you are more likely to accomplish them if they are written.

1. Write something funny everyday. Even if it sucks.

2. Make some more videos

3. Finish screenplays.

4. Save Money.

We'll see what happens. This would be weird if people actually read my blog.

Don't have that problem.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Facebook "Friends"

I am starting to get really annoyed with my "Friends" who are on Facebook.

My "Friends" are un-friending me.

Every time I log in I lose a "Friend" or two in my friend count.

This bothers me because THEY requested to be my "Friend", I didn't make the request. I feel sorry for them because they remembered me and I didn't remember them, so I add them to the "Friend" list.

Then, while they look at their "Friend" list they see my name. They think to themselves, "Hmm...Joey Pena? I don't really talk to him and he doesn't talk to me, so I'll just un-friend him."

Why did they add me in the first place? What was their thought process?

Maybe they thought I had secretly wanted to be their friend and now, thanks to their generosity, I had the opportunity to do so, or maybe they just wanted to boost their own ego and have a high friend count.

Who knows?

What I do know is I have lost "Friends" because they were offended by the dirty or gross things I've shared on Facebook.

I do not care about those people.

I should probably stop adding people I don't know that well, but...

I need to boost my ego!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Highschool Kids

I was watching the news today and they showed a highschool pep rally.

The cheerleaders looked ridiculously young.

Not only did I begin to feel really old, but I also began to think of the way I, and all the other kids, were in highscool. Acting like we were adults and doing adult things.

Sex (I wasn't having any, but other kids were).

I came to the conclusion highschool kids should not be having sex. I would say kissing, sucking, licking, stroking and fingering would be alright, but kids can't control their privates. A thread and needle, ducktape or staples could help stop their private's control over their mind.

Sex gets better as you get older anyway.

I'm 28 years old and just now getting over my premature ejaculation.

Too much information?

I don't think so.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Good Texts

For some reason I am particularly proud of a text message sequence I had with a co-worker. I am so proud, I'm going to share it. To protect their identities, I will only say girl and guy.

Me: Girl #2 hung out with Guy and I until 5am.

Gir1 #1: Congrats?

Girl #1: lol jk that's awesome :)

Girl #1: wait. are you trying to shame me or something?

Me: that's not the response i was looking for. i was expecting "why?". that's
what i was thinking.

Girl #1: oh..ok why? lol

Me: i don't know

Girl #1: lol

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. You probably didn't.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Blogs & Videos 2

I shouldn't care if people don't like my blog or videos, but I do.

I am currently taking on a more "fuck it" attitude in order to better deal with my insecurity.

I can't make everyone happy.

I can make myself happy, though.

I think I can make myself happy.

I think I can try to make myself happy.


It doesn't matter.

I like me.

Probably too much.

I touch myself a lot.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Blog & Videos

It's amazing how fast people get bored with you. I experienced this with the blog and now with my videos.

It's hard to keep people's attention.

I thought I would get some credit for being so ambitious on my videos (once a week) and people would be curious to see what I could come up with.

They are either not very good or they didn't make enough of an impression for them to come back.

Luckily, I only have a few more ideas for the videos.

At least the last three or four videos are funny, at least I think they are (that's not saying much).